I dashed from Comic-Con to NYC to make it in time for the 8 am Debut Author’s Breakfast Panel at Thrillerfest where our mentor, Douglas Preston, moderated. After he introduced each of us, we had one minute, yes one minute, to talk.
I mentioned how I had been to every Thrillerfest since the beginning, except for the year my husband lost his job. And how it had been my dream from the start to sit at this Debut Panel, ever since I saw the first one in Arizona, when it was just a handful of authors. I promised myself then that I would be on this panel someday. And there I was.
A moment of gratitude as the audience broke into spontaneous applause just then. I continued on to give the short pitch summarizing STARTERS and letting ITW know how grateful I was for all their support.
I was with a large group of some 21 authors including doctors, lawyers, bankers, teachers, journalists and scientists – an incredible range of professions, all debut novelists. Richard North Patterson was our keynote speaker, and he shared his wisdom and experience with us. It all went too fast and soon we were taking a group photo and then off to other things. But for me, in a year of many highlights, this was a special one that I will treasure forever.
What a great milestone moment Lissa! How cool!