Next weekend I will be on the faculty of SCBWI at their epic yearly conference in Century City. I believe it is the biggest and longest-running conference for writers of children’s books (of course including YA) in the world, all started and headed by Lin Oliver and Stephen Mooser. I’m really honored to be part of this, with such great company as Jay Asher, Arthur Levine, Ellen Hopkins and many more. In the past, I’ve been sitting in the audience getting inspired. Now I’m working hard on my preparation, hoping that I inspire others.
If you’re a serious children’s writer or illustrator and are interested in attending, you can only register ahead at as they have had such a good response the last two years that they no longer offer day passes or walk-ins.
If you’re already enrolled, I’ll be speaking Friday at 11:45, giving a workshop on how to apply screening techniques to make any YA novel better.At 6:15 pm there is a reception. Saturday at 3:15pm is my revealing secrets talk – Publishing is not dead, how I got published and so can you. Try not to miss that one if you are there as I will cover information that you won’t get anywhere else. And then Sunday at 10:45 am, I’m on a panel called Success Stories, How I did it with Chris Rylander, Ruta Sepetys, Clare Vanderpool – this includes some serious award winners.
Then at 5:15-7 pm is the autograph party where we sign (and usually there is dessert too).
Please introduce yourself to me if you are there at one of these events.