My Schedule in Chicago Next Week – Chicon and More

I will be flying out to Chicago Wednesday 29th. I am really looking forward to meeting you there!

Thursday, 8/30 4:00pm – 5

 Chicago, IL – Chicago Public Library – Teen Event. This is open to the public, not part of Chicon, held in the main downtown public library and for 12-18 year olds. Pre-registration, although free, is required. See the “Events” page at the top menu for details.  They will be raffling off 30 brand new, hardback copies of STARTERS, so your odds are very good of winning one!
Friday, August 31  1:30pm
 Chicago, IL – Chicon – Kaffeeklatsche – this is where anyone can sign up to sit around a table and chat with me. I did it with Corey Doctorow last year so I could see how it goes (and because he is so fascinating). It will be casual and fun. I’ll talk about the STARTERS series and how I sold my first book, but you are also welcome to ask me questions about writing — I love to talk about the process, the publication and agent process and movies. We can talk about the difference between writing novels and screenplays.  Although I write YA, the writing advice applies to all writers.  I’ve just gone through my debut year, with tours, panels from Comic-Con to the NYPL, belonging to three blogs, and learning how to best use social media for promotion. I’m happy to talk about any of it. I’ll also sign anything at the end of it.
You can usually sign up for this on clipboards as soon as the main information tables at Chicon are open, perhaps Thursday.
Friday Evening
I will be on the private cruise.
Saturday, September 1

12:00pm  Chicago, IL – Chicon – Sudden Inspiration Panel – How Do You Get Your Ideas?  

A fun topic and a great panel of authors, from the very experienced to the debuts.  Looking forward to this one.

1:30pm    Chicago, IL – Chicon – Moral Ambiguity in SF Panel  

This title may not sound super-exciting but we have a great panel of esteemed writers (see the events page) and let’s face it, it’s an opportunity to talk about our characters, who if they are conflicted and given hard choices, are bound to be more interesting if they are just go-gooders, right?


 Autograph session at Chicon
Immediately after my Moral Ambiguity panel above, I will be signing in the SFWA table/booth which I believe will be in the dealer’s room. So you’re welcome to come up and say hi right after the panel is over, I would love to see, and then we can all walk to the signing area.  Bring in your own copies of STARTERS or see if you can find copies in the dealer’s room for sale. And I will sign programs too.
Sunday, September 2


 Chicago, IL – Chicon – Signing
I have a second signing scheduled for Sunday. If you’re coming to this one, please try to come early. Since I have two signings, and I have never seen Chicago before (no time on my tour), and I also am under a writing deadline, I may not be here the entire time slot for this second signing. If you can only come toward the end of the session, please email me so I’ll know.
Remember, for more details, look at the EVENTS page on this site.


  1. Hi Ms. Price! I really enjoyed your starters. Do you think you will be coming to New York or New Jersey because I would love to meet you.

    1. Thanks for writing! At this point, I have no plans to head back there until sometime in 2013. If that changes, keep an eye on my EVENTS page here, because I’ll announce it there.

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