Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

This has been the most incredible year for me and I’m grateful to all the people who helped make my dream come true. My agent, my foreign rights agent, my editor, everyone at my publishing house, the Apocalypsies, The League of Extraordinary Writers.

I am especially grateful to the wonderful authors who came before me and are so generous with their time and support. We are one of the few professions where we debuts often put our fates in the hands of our competition. The sister and brotherhood of writers is a wonderful thing.

Wishing everyone a safe, warm, and happy holidays with your families and loved ones.




  1. Dear Lissa,

    My name is Kelly Ioannidou ,PR manager for Kalendis publications in Greece.We hold the rights for the translation of your book in Greek.I read it and liked it very much .

    Wishing you every success and Merry Christmas!

    Looking forward to inviting you in Greece for a book presentation in 2012!

    1. Hi Kelly, thank you so much! What a nice Christmas surprise. I’d love to come to your beautiful country in 2012!
      Merry Christmas to you,


  2. Happy Holiday & New Year! I hope 2012 is a great year for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Same to you, Petra! I think it’s going to be a wonderful year for all of us.

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