The thrilling end to the questions raised in Starters is here. Someone is after Starters like Callie and Michael – teens with chips in their brains. They want to experiment on anyone left over from Prime Destinations – Starters who can be controlled and manipulated. With the body bank destroyed, Callie no longer has to rent herself out to creepy Enders. But Enders can still get inside her mind and make her do things she doesn’t want to do, like hurt someone she loves. Having the chip removed could save her life… but it could also silence the voice in her head that might belong to her father. Callie has flashes of her ex-renter Helena’s memories, too… and the Old Man is back, filling her with fear. Who is real and who is masquerading in a teen body? No one is ever who they appear to be. Determined to find the Old Man to stop him, and grasping at the hope of a normal life for herself and her younger brother, Callie is ready to fight for the truth. Even if it kills her.
If you order from my official bookstore, Once Upon A Time, Lissa can sign and even personalize your copy. Put your request in the note/comment of their online order, clearly state who you want the book to be made out to, and they will ship.
LISSA PRICE is the award-winning international bestselling author of STARTERS and ENDERS, published in over thirty countries.
Praise for ENDERS:
“Pure, adrenaline-fueled plot… Fans of STARTERS will gobble this up” – Booklist
“Delightfully disturbing.” – Kirkus Reviews
“Price stages a series of twists that you would not expect and leads us to a final adrenaline that gives us all the answers we were looking for! Enders is one of the most original dystopian stories that have been published.” – La Fenice Book (Italian edition)
“Being Once Upon a Time Bookstore’s best selling YA & fantasy title, Lissa Price’s terrific STARTERS set a high bar. She does not disappoint her fans with ENDERS – crackerjack plot twists, suspense till the very end and characters you CARE about. This book will grab your attention from the get-go. Hang on for one high-flying thrill ride!” – Maureen Palacios, Owner of Once Upon A Time Bookstore
“From the beginning to the end, I was connected to this book.” – Rachel Reads (Dutch edition)
“This book held me hostage until the last page! I want more.” – Craving Pages (Dutch edition)
“Enders is just as addicting as Starters.” – Bezentenboeken (Dutch edition)
“It was just amazing. Revelations are linked beautifully. The end left me speechless, a wave of emotion went through me. An open ending that leaves you in suspense, with the expectation of a series of adventures.” – (French edition)
“Holds the reader in its grasp until the last moment” – (Dutch edition)
“The plot is much more exciting at the beginning of this book because we are immediately plunged into the heart of the action. I had high expectations of this book… and I must say that it was up to my expectations” – Livres et Mots (French edition)
Bien… Hola, mi inglés no es muy bueno, asà que hablaré en español, espero que puedas traducirlo. Acabo de leer Starters y amé el libro, muchas gracias, me atrapó, es uno de los mejores libros que he leÃdo. Adoré tu forma de redactarlo, y la trama es muy interesante.
Después de leerlo me entraron muchas dudas a la cabeza, no sé lo que pasará, ¡ y eso me está volviendo loca! Necesito repuestas, pero no sé por donde empezar…
Me sentà conectada con Callie, no sé si sea por la edad o algo parecido, tengo 13, se acerca un poco a la edad de ella. Tengo miedo de lo que vaya a pasar, no quiero que le pase algo a Tyler, tal vez ya tienen todo lo necesario, pero no significa estén seguros, quiero conocer a sus padres. Me asusta el Viejo, temo que no soy tan valiente como Callie.
Leà la sinopsis de Enders, ahora sé un poco más, siento que voy a adorar el libro tanto como el primero.
Otra cosa que me encantarÃa es que lo hagan pelÃcula, serÃa estupendo, pero no quiero que pase algo asÃ, hm, soy Tributo, asà se les llama a los fanáticos de The Hunger Games en México, y sé que cuando hacen pelÃculas cambian algunas cosas y la verdad no me gusta eso, me gustarÃa y a mis amigas que leyeron que Starters eso.
Espero leer pronto Enders.
AnsÃo que respondas, Lissa, o que lo leas, gracias.
Google translate: “Well … Hello, my English is not very good, so I’ll talk in Spanish, I hope you can translate. Just read Starters and loved the book, thank you very much, I caught, is one of the best books I’ve read. I loved your way of writing, and the plot is very interesting.
After reading it I came many questions to mind, do not know what will happen, and it’s driving me crazy! I need answers, but do not know where to start …
I felt connected to Callie, do not know if it’s because of age or something, I have 13, is about a little age to it. I have fear of what will happen, I do not want anything to happen to Tyler, you may already have everything you need, but it means to be safe, I want to meet her parents. Old scares me, I’m afraid I’m not as brave as Callie.
I read the synopsis of Enders, now I know a little more, I feel that I adore the book as much as the first.
Another thing I love is that they do film, it would be great, but do not want to pass something, hm, I’m Tribute, so called fans of The Hunger Games in Mexico, and I know that when they do change some things movies and I do not really like that, I’d like and my friends who read it Starters that.
I hope to read soon Enders.
I long to answer, Lissa, or you read it, thanks.”
Hola y gracias por escribir, en cualquier idioma! Estoy tan feliz de que Entrantes hablaron con usted. Muchos fans me han dicho que se sienten como si estuvieran en el viaje con Callie, incluso los chicos. Me alegro porque yo escribà esa manera.
No estoy preocupado acerca de la pelÃcula, una vez que encontramos a los socios adecuados, estoy seguro de que la pelÃcula va a ser especial en sà mismo. La pelÃcula no puede ser – y nunca debe ser – el libro. Es diferente.
Estoy emocionado de que usted lea Enders!
Hi and thank you for writing, in any language! I am so happy that Starters spoke to you. Many fans have told me that they feel like they are on the journey with Callie, even guys. I’m glad because I wrote it that way. Do not worry that you wouldn’t be as brave as Callie with the Old Man – I wouldn’t be either! This is why we like to go on the journey with Callie.
I am not worried about the film, once we find the right partners, I’m sure the film will be special in and of itself. The film can never be – and should never be – the book. It is different experience.
I’m excited for you to read Enders! Thank you for writing.
heya lissa, thankyou so much for writing the starters and enders books they have become my eddiction and i have found myself reading them repeatedly over and over again. But PLEASE please PLEASE realise the side storys (potrait of a donor, Portrait of a marshal, portrait of a starter and adaption of starters) into books. I unfortunetly do not have a ebook/kindle and cannot read them. I also like to collect books so please please please resease them! But thankyou again for your truely perfect books.
That’s great that you reread them! So let me explain, these e-shorts are something my publisher asked for and they have full say in what happens with them in English (my foreign publishers deal with versions in their languages). So it isn’t up to me. I did request that we give away Portrait of a Spore in the paperback so that is the only one that is in paper.
But — the e-shorts are on iTunes which means you could download them to your computer and read. You don’t need an e-book. And here is very good news – Portrait of a Spore is temporarily available as a free download to read on your computer. I will post about that shortly.
Hi Lissa,
I am from Britain but I live in VA in the USA. I love Starters and Enders they are to great books. I browed the books from the library maybe 5 times then I bought both books maybe a month ago I have read the over 7 time. They are just amazing.
Just love hearing this. I used to do the same thing, start with a book at a library and then buy the ones I knew I loved. So I was disappointed to miss VA due to this Storm PAX. Send me your mailing address via an email (or here and I just won’t make it public) and I’ll send you bookmarks. Thank you so much for the kind words.
Also, you are from the UK – another commenter cannot find Enders at WHsmith. Isn’t that a large chain? Where did you find your copy?
Oi, Lissa. Estou lendo Starters e estou completamente apaixonada! Mal posso esperar para ler Enders, espero que não demore muito para sair aqui no Brasil.
“Starters I’m reading and I’m completely in love! Can not wait to read Enders, hopefully not too long to get out here in Brazil.”
Thank you! I hear it will come out in Jan in Brazil, like in the US. Go to
Obrigado! Ouvi dizer que vai sair janeiro no Brasil, como os EUA. Ir para e por favor deixe um comentário curto.
Hi,i ve just finished starters and i love it ,its too perfect but the best thing is that it really exist alahdgfdfkdjagajaksggdf i hope you see this you are now one of my favorites author ,maybe someday we meet if you come to Mexico I LOVE YOU so much
Thank you! Write me at my email on the contact page and I’ll write back.
Hi Lissa,
I have just finished the Dutch version of Enders and I just wanted to say that I totally loved it! In some cases the second or third book in a series isn’t as good as the first one, but I loved Enders just as much as I loved Starters. I like it when secrets are revealed but new problems arise.
I bought Starters because I saw the golden sticker with ‘Crimezone, best YA thriller’ (congratulations on that prize) and the summary on the back looked very interesting. I am happy that I did that because otherwise I wouldn’t have known how amazing this series is. Looking back I would have prefered to read the original English version, but I am also glad because I got to read Enders earlier than the U.S. people (*evil laugh*). The translator did a good job though and I really think she didn’t change anything in your writing style, except change it to Dutch.
The fast-pace and the plot of both books were great. Callie jumped from one event to another which made me keep turning the pages to read further. And just like SofÃa said, I felt connected to Callie. I cheered with her but also felt sad for her. You made every character unique and very real. I wish that some people where real (like Callie) but also that some people would never exist (like Beatty).
I just think that Callie and the others deserve a third book :p
-I am sorry for my poor English, I am still trying hard to improve it. Because of the language barrier I can’t put my exact thoughts in words but I think I did well enough. I try not to spoil anything for people who still have to read it, but I just have to say that I loved the new character you introduced in Enders
And for anyone who reads this and hasn’t read Enders yet: it is definitely worth the wait! I am sure everyone will love it.
Thank you Lissa, for these two amazing books
Thank you so much for this great review. Your English is great and much better than my Dutch! Yes, you’re not the first person to say they want another book. You never know. Write me directly via my email on this website.
I pre-ordered Enders on Once Upon A because Maureen recommended me to. I loved starters and Once Upon A Time.
Thank you, that is a great bookstore, isn’t it? So you’ll be eligible to win both contests – the $100 gift card and the iPad Air! Be sure to see the instructions on my site here.
Hi Lissa!
I’m brazilian so I apologize about my english (if there are many mistakes).
Is “Enders” going to be the last book or haven’t you finished the series yet? It seems like it’s the last book by what I read about it and te sugestive title, but I want to be sure.
And of course, I came here to congrets you!
I read “Starters” during my vacation and love it. I really want to read the next book!
You’re amazing! Hope you write more books.
Your English is far better than my Portuguese, so thank you for writing. Yes, Enders is all written (has been for a long time) and closes out the series with a feeling of completion. You know the answers. However, some have said it opens a new door, so the possibility is there to continue.
I am working on a new, secret concept for a new series right now.
Love my Brazilian fans so much.
Hi Lissa,
I’m from The Netherlands, so my English isn’t that good. But I just wanted to tell you that I really love your books. I’m reading ‘Enders’ right now. And I actually feel special because I understand that it isn’t released in the USA yet?
Anyway… Your work is so inspiring! I write a story myself and it’s almost finished. Just need to do the finishing touches, you know. I’m a perfectionist. My work isn’t ever good enough, but with this thing I write… I don’t know… I’m just so proud. Although it is not easy to find a publisher. I would love for you to read it.
So, are there plans for a third book? That would be awesome. These books are like the new Hunger Games to me. And trust me: that is a great compliment
You created a world. It’s almost real. I really can see this becoming a huge motion picture some day.
Just keep doing way you do, because you’re doing great. I hope I’ll become a great writer as you done day!
Greatings from Holland, Cees.
Yes, you should feel special.
I have a page on this website – in the faq – where I explain how I cannot read anyone’s writing, I’m sorry. Please take a look.
I very much appreciate the compliment and yes, we are all hoping that a film deal will finalize with the right partners. I have not signed any contracts for a third book but there is much interest. I am working on a new, secret series right now.
You may be interested in letting my Dutch publisher know that you are a fan. They are deciding which authors to tour there next year. @UitgeverijUBHS on Twitter
Hola Lisa , he leido tu libro y me ha fascinado , es como estar viviendo la experiencia por ti mismo (no soy el unico varias personas me han dicho lo mismo) tienes una grandiosa forma de narrar que amamos y solo decirte que has hecho una gran trabajo y se nota tu esfuerzo .Saludos desde Chile
Pd:Estoy enfadado por que tu libro a mi pais no llega en papel, solo en E-books :C
Hi Lissa, I read your book and fascinated me, is like living the experience for yourself (I’m not the only several people have said the same) have a great way of telling that we love and just say you’ve done a great job and it shows your effort. Greetings from Chile
PS: I’m angry that my country your book does not arrive on paper, only E-books: C
I am surprised that the paper version in Spanish does not ship to Chile. There is a site called book depository and they ship all over the world. So you might be able to get Enders sent to you. Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated.
Hi Lissa! Your book has affected me in so may ways, I can’t explain! I feel like writing something of my own now, bcuz this book is so powerful! I love Blake and Michael at the same time! This should become like the Edward verses Jacob war! Michael verses Blake! I hope you understand what an aiming author you are! I can’t wait until I can get Enders! Thanks so much!
Hi Lissa, you are truly amazing. The Starters’ book, I know I’m bit late of reading your God’s one of a kind talent novel. it keep’s me exciting everytime I turned on another page. I salute you. :)) will continue to read Enders.
Olá Lissa, sou brasileira e amei Starters. Confesso que inicialmente o que me chamou atenção e me fez pesquisar mais sobre o livro foi sua belÃssima capa. Gostaria de saber se a capa final de Enders em Hardcover será essa mesma, ou vão lançar alguma outra seguindo a mesma linha da capa de Starters.
Hello Lissa, I am Brazilian and loved Starters. I confess that initially what caught my attention and made ​​me search more about the book was its beautiful cover. I wonder if the final cover of Enders Hardcover will be in the same or go throw some other following the same line of cover Starters.
Hi and thanks for asking. I think you are saying that you bought the original cover with the drawing of the girl? Each country is deciding how to do their cover, so I suspect the Brazilian one will not be the same at the new photograph. See for the new US hardcover of Enders. My publisher is @Novo_Conceito on Twitter.
Oi e obrigado por perguntar. Acho que você está dizendo que você comprou a capa original com o desenho da menina? Cada paÃs é decidir como fazer a sua cobertura, então eu suspeito que o brasileiro não será o mesmo com a nova fotografia. Veja http://shelf-life.ew .com/2013/07/22/lissa-price-starters-enders-cover / para o novo capa dura dos EUA de Enders ea data em que também irá publicar no Brasil. Por favor, deixe um comentário sobre EW. Meu editor é @ Novo_Conceito no Twitter.
Hola lissa. Acabo de terminar starters y no puedo decirte lo mucho que me ha gustado, tanto que ya necesito urgentemente el segundo ( enders) lo malo es que en México aun no sale
. Tu sabes cuando puede llegar? No aguanto la espera! Ahora eres de mis autoras favoritas y te admiro mucho. Espero algún dÃa vengas a México y poder conocerte y que firmes mi libro! Gracias por escribir este maravilloso libro.
9:10 a.m.
Hi lissa. I just finished starters and I can not tell you how much I liked both already desperately need the second (enders) the trouble is that in Mexico still does not come out. You know when you go? I can not stand the wait! Now you are one of my favorite authors and I admire you. I hope someday to come to Mexico and to meet and sign my book! Thanks for writing this wonderful book.
Thank you! You are actually lucky because you will not have to wait as long as some patient readers have (thank you, all). Go here to see the US Enders cover and the US release date. Leave me a message there please. It is likely that the Spanish translation (which is handled by my publisher in Spain) will release it at the same time. ¡Gracias! Esté de suerte, ya que no tendrá que esperar tanto como algunos pacientes lectores tienen (gracias, de todo). Vaya aquà para ver el Enders portada EE.UU. y la fecha de lanzamiento EE.UU.. Dejar un mensaje ahà por favor. Es probable que la traducción española (que es manejado por mi editor en España) dará a conocer al mismo tiempo.
Hi, Lissa! I’m from Spain, I read “Starters” last summer and I totally loved it! So much I even read it twice.
So… I’m sure you get this a lot, but is there any way to know the release dates of “Enders” in certain countries? (Yes, I’m mostly interested in Spain, but I think people around the world would appreciate their release dates too)
Thanks in advance
Best wishes,
I am in the process of getting this info from my foreign agent. I will post what I know on the site, thank you for that suggestion. We don’t know the date for Spain yet, but as soon as I hear, it will be up here. Take care.
Hi Lissa, I love Starters, since I read the book I’m looking forward to reading Enders, I hope you also translated and sold in Mexico (Monterrey) and please tell me when to take him out for sale, and if you take it out also in Mexico, that month would be more or less
Kisses, fantastic books
Yes, Starters was sold as a two-book series, so Enders will be in Mexico too. I believe they took the version that was published in Spain and sent that to Mexico (look at your Starters and see if the publisher is Destino). I’ll try to keep the Enders publication page updated so check back. Be sure also to sign up for my newsletter (top right)!
Hello Lissa Price! STARTER is truly a great story. As Dean Koontz said, ‘gripping story’. It’s driving me crazy. You are a great writer, Lissa. And I can’t wait to publish its sequel, ENDERS. I really love, STARTERS. Btw, my favorite character (other than Callie) is Sara. Just saying.
Thanks, that is always interesting to me who the second fav character is.
Hi Lissa, I finish to read Starters and its amazing, I really enjoy to read your fantastic book, I can’t wait to read Enders, thank you so much for writing your book. I’m from Mexico and I hope that my english is enough good to be understood.
Your English is great! I’m wondering if you read the book in Spanish or English…
Hi Lissa, you got a fan from Brazil! I got Starters this Christmas from my granny and as I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. I’m serious, I read it in a couple hours! The whole atmosphere you created is truly amazing, I felt compassionate about Callie’s drama and I look forward for the sequel release in Brazil. Thanks again for sharing with us such an amazing story!
Thank you for writing! Brazil is so good to me. If you tweet, follow me there. I am curious how your granny found the book, what attracted her to it, etc.
Hi Lissa!
I’m just wondering if you see my mail.. You see, I’ve been mailing but I don’t receive a reply or something.. But I see other replies from different people yet they have been sent a few days later than mine.
But if you haven’t seen them, my question was, “When will Enders be released in the Philippines?” My friend and I really love the book and we’re wondering when could we see it here?
Thanks! And more power to your books!
Hi! I saw this one come in. I wonder if my spam filter picked up your previous ones because I never saw them. Anyway, I don’t know the exact date, I wish I did, but Starters was a bestseller there (both in hardcover and paperback) so you will definitely see ENDERS there! Please ask your favorite bookseller, they should be able to give you a date. Otherwise, I’ll update my website (the page on Enders in foreign release) as I learn. Thanks for writing!
Dear Lissa,
I finally got Enders and I absolutely LOVED it! I have a bunch of questions that I wanted to ask but I know it would mean a spoiler or you wouldn’t have much time to answer them all but I only got one I wanted to know the most:
Are you planning to write more books in the same universe or a new one?
Thank you so much for making this series and I loved it despite the short length!
Thanks for writing me! Before I forget, please review it on Amazon and you can copy that review to B&N, Goodreads and anyplace else (Walmart, Target, Google). I really appreciate great reviews from fans like you and it helps people find the book.
It is hard to discuss the book without spoilers. In answer to your question, at this early stage, with Enders only out one week in the US, I am getting a LOT of questions about a third book. And sometimes the fans are quite adamant (“I repeat, there MUST be a third book…”). I’ve been bribed with puppies. So I think the odds are very good that I might be visiting my friends Callie and Michael and Tyler (and the rest) again quite soon. At this very moment, I am in the early stages of an exciting new book, too early to talk about, nothing set in stone.
It means so much to me to hear this, thank you.
Yeah possibly a third book!!!
Thank you! The more I hear this, the more likely it is.
Hi, i just want to know, When enders will come out in Mexico?
I don’t know, sorry. Watch the Enders release page on this site but I have no date yet.
Dear Lissa,
I wish I could say that I have read Enders, but truth be told I just finished Starters.
You know how sometimes you get lucky, well buying starters was one of those lucky moments. I was just browsing in our bookstore and the beautiful cover caught my eye. I read the back and decided to buy the book. I am very lucky to have done so! I loved every letter of it. Start to finish it took me a day to read the whole book. I just couldn’t stop reading it. Needless to say I ordered Enders as soon as I finished Starters. I love finding gems like these. The whole concept of the book speaks to me. The characters are brilliantly revealed and the build up to the final is really well done and keeps the readers wanting more. I love to read and I am very happy that I found your book(s). I am really looking forward to reading more of your work, regardless of it beeing a third in the series or a new story. Keep up the wonderfull writing and forgive me for any grammar errors as English is not my native tongue. (Dutch is)
Kind regards,
Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. Your English is great (if you haven’t written reviews for sites like Amazon and Goodreads, that would be much appreciated). The Dutch covers in the series are some of my favorites.
Dear Lissa,
I have never written any reviews before, but I will write you a review on amazon and later today.
kind regards,
Aileen Damen
Hi Lissa,
I just wanted to say I really enjoyed Starters and you are an AMAZING writer! I recommended it to my other friend and she loved it too:) We can’t wait to read Enders! Starters was immediatly my favourite book after I read it:)
I hope you write many more books in the future, I will definately read them!
You’re awesome,
Sounds like I would love reviews from you and your friend! Amazon, Goodreads…. Thank you!
This is just an amazing book thanks Lissa! I just finished it a few minutes ago and I ran to write this. The book have potential to become a renamed saga just like The Hunger Games or Divergent.
I wish Enders will be a Hit like this one, Im your new fan!
PD: sorry for my english, im from México (:
Thank you so much! Did you read it in English? Please give it a review on Amazon and Goodreads.B&N.
Got Enders a few days ago and it finished it in a day
I loved it so much it was so great! 
Reviews, please! Thank you!
Hi Lissa,
My name is Nieves and I am from Spain.
I started to read “starters” the last summer when I watched a review on youtube by spanish booktuber, and I couldn’t stop reading until finish it in the same day. I love the story, and I am feeling really interesting the “new world” with old old people and younger people that can’t almost live. It could be a vision of our future.
When I finished first book, I felt empty haha And I had to wait to the second part, something that made me really sad haha But I started reading the second part and it is a bit hard for me, so here my question, Do you know if ‘enders” will be translate into spanish? If the answer is ‘yes’, Do you know the date of release? I really hope that the book will translate into spanish. You have a lot of Fans in Spain and south american.
Nice to read you.
Thanks so much. I don’t have any information on this, sorry. I really appreciate your support!
Hi lisa I’m Iosif, I loved both of the books, I couldn’t detach from both of them when I read. My question is, will there be a sequel of enders? I would love to read another sequel
Thanks so much. That is the question of the moment. It helps me to hear that readers want one.
I never read books so interesting like these ones, I relly hope that you’ll make anothere sequel
Hi Lissa,
I discovered Starters while searching for a book I could take on a long flight home and was instantly hooked! I immediately spread the news about the book to my friends before I had even finished it. I was so happy to find out there was a sequel and it was even better news to find out it had just been released -no waiting for me! Now I sit here writing you because after locking myself away today I finished Enders in 4 hours. That’s right, your book is so captivating that I read it straight through! I loved everything about this series and will continue to recommend it to my fellow book worms out there.
The reason I decided to write on here is after scouring the internet for answers on if there would be a 3rd book I couldn’t find if one was planned or not. I see from the comments that it isn’t, but also isn’t ruled out. I would LOVE to read more on these characters you developed so well! After all I’ve been left wondering who Callie ends up with, what happens with her brother and dad, does she ever get to have a “normal” family life again?
Thanks for the amazing novels, I know it is for “young adults” but you should know it is being enjoyed thoroughly by a 28 year old!
I’d guess that at least half of my readers are adults like you. I made a point of not talking down to the reader, to write the YA book that I would enjoy reading myself.
I love that – 4 hours – that might be a record! It helps me to hear from fans that they want a third book, so thank you for letting me know.
Dear Lissa,
I just bought Enders today and finished it in the same day! I simply couldn’t put the book down. It was invigorating! I love Starters and Enders. I love the twist towards the end of the book about The Old Man. You are an amazing writer.:) I really connected with the characters (especially Callie because we are the same age and believe in doing what’s right) and while reading, it felt as if I was there. I heard that you are going to make Starters a movie. Will you combine both books into one movie or separate? Also is Enders really the final book? I just don’t want it to end. I want to see how life is with Callie after the end of the book. It was so good! If it is the last book I will still reread all the time because that is just how good it is. Thank you so much for writing these books!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me. It’s great to hear that the stories are reaching people.
At this point, we do not have a commitment with a film company. My agent is looking for the right team and when that happens, I’ll announce here. The plan was always for book 1 to be the first film, but this will depend on the people who make it.
I am interested in hearing from readers who want a third book in the series. I think about Callie too, and I have ideas for what could be next.
Hello dear! I’m from Brazil, and I loved so much Starters!! It’s the best book that I read ever!! And now I pre-order Enders, ia a few days I’ll start read, I’m so anxious to know what will be the final of Callie, Michael and Blake, and final knowing who real are the Old Man!! And I would love you to come to Brazil, would be a dream come true for me, to finally have the book autographed by you… not only me, but also the legion of fans you won, they would be very happy!! =D #PleaseComeToBrazil xoxo
Thanks so much, let me know once you’ve read Enders. So it’s up to my Brazilian publisher to invite me out there – Novo Conceito (@Novo_Conceito on twitter). You guys have to let them know.
I started Enders last night, and I’m just in love!! You can be sure that the publisher will know what the fans want you here… When I finish reading Enders I come back here and post my final review… With love @SilvaFe_
Thank you for writing me and letting me know. And for telling Novo Conceito that the fans want me to come. I look forward to your review.
The plot structure , has previously seen as high quality by you, remains perfect and even more addictive. That’s because the surprises arise naturally and so it is impossible to put the book down, knowing that something new will happen in a matter of words. As Callie is no longer in an unknown world , and already adapted to all the changes caused by the “War of Spores”, she can act quickly to save everyone around you and that’s a big difference.
The emergence of new characters is also critical, especially to happen just right without any appear out of context, which is also natural in some sequels. It is worth remembering that the characters themselves are responsible for giving reason to be surprised at the revelations and all that is yet to come in the book.
Loved to know who the “Old Men”, and loved the ending you chose for the book. Although it would be wonderful to have another book.
At least, “Ninguém é realmente o que parece”/”Nobody is really what it seems”. Xoxo, Felipe, from Brazil!
This is just a wonderful note. I hope you’ve done reviews on your site and other reader sites (Goodreads, maybe). I just love hearing from Brazilian readers, it brightens my day. We might have some good news for you all.
Hi Lissa,
I just wanted to say that I loved starters and read it in one day. I was also very impressed to see that you replied to every person who commented and I have to say I think that is very nice of you! I am looking forward to reading enders and wish you the best of luck with your next book.
I truly appreciate my readers and love reading comments like yours! Let me know once you’ve read Enders.
Also, please give Starters a short review on Amazon, GR, etc.
I love your books a lot! Enders was all that I wanted and more but I have a queation will you be writing a thitd book?
Thank you for telling me that. It is very likely that I will write a third, but no announcement yet.
I absolutely loved Starters and Enders, they are by far my favorite books!!!! I read Starters last year and just finished Enders in 2 days (I usually don’t read that fast)!! I just couldn’t put down the book!! Enders answered a lot of questions that I had while reading Starters. However, I really wanted to know more when I was reading the end of Enders because I am anxious to know about what happens to Callie in the future and who does she end up with! So, I was wondering if you were going to write a third book. Your work is brillant!! Loved all the twists! Good luck!
You’re my kind of reader! Thank you for writing. Yes, with so many readers asking for a third book, it is very possible. Nothing official yet.
I’m 14, and I know young people like me don’t like reading books like this,I was one of them, but when I started reading this ones I found them so interesting that I coludn’t stop reading,I finished starters in one day and enders too.I really hope that you’ll make a third book
I really appreciate hearing this. Starters was a YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, so I know what you’re talking about. It is a big thrill for me to hear that I helped someone like you learn to really enjoy reading. There is such a world of good books out there! Thanks for asking for a third book. The more I hear this, the more likely it is that it will happen.
Omg… saya sudah lama ingin berbincang dengan anda… karya anda luar biasa… saya sangat bersemangat ketika perilisan buku kedua starters…. saya dari indonesia, tepatnya kalimantan selatan dan duduk dikelas 9.Saya tidak terlalu lancar dalam english. Saya membaca buku pertama anda starters merupakan novel kedua yang saya baca setelah trilogy hunger games.. saya kira tidak ada kelanjutannnya… teman-teman sayapun masih belum tahu… betapa senangnya satarters ada kelnjutannya, oh ya saya membaca yang terjemahannya (gambar yang bagus).Lissa Apakah starters merupakan trilogy… omgg kuharap begitu… sukses selalu lissa… saya selalu menyukai karaya-karyamu… and,, aku adalah salah satu penggemar terbesarmu di kotaku.. aku selalu mengajak teman-temanku untuk membaca karyamu.. yeah!! by…
I just finished reading Starters and I loved it. Even though I was kinda forced to read it.I was hesistant about it then when I read the first chapter I didn’t ever want to stop. Unfortunately, I had to but I finished it in 2 days and it was awesome. I cant wait to read Enders. Congrats on your medal for the book. Loved XD
Thank you for one of the funniest comments ever! I am really happy that Starters won you over. Please come back and tell me how you like Enders. And please review on the sites you like – Amazon, Goodreads, whatever.
Hi lissa starters and enders are my favorite books ever i am just about to finsh enders and I am basicly crying and it would really love to know it there would be a 3rd book I would love to see another one in my collection you really one of my favorite writers ever I take insprition from you and I was also wondering if there would be a movie? Thank you sooo much for writing these books there the best
Thank you! Don’t forget to review! I am considering a third book.
We also want the movie and are just looking for the right partners. Starters has a lot of fans in the industry.
Hey Lissa! I am a fan from the UK who’s very interested in the starters and enders books. I first noticed the book in my school library when a friend recommended it to me, ever since I’ve been completely in love with the books. I’ve just finished off reading Enders (when I was meant to be studying) and it was amazing!. I hope Callie gets to be with Hyden. I really hope you publish a third book, I would definitely be the first in line to purchase it. I would be very proud for the book to be made into the movie as I have been a long time fan and it would be so interesting to see the book come to life!! Thank you for getting me interested into the world of books, I look forward to your future work.
I really appreciate your thoughts. Yay for Hyden, he doesn’t always get as much love! Hearing from so many fans about a third book, it is something I am considering. These characters have so much more in them. But I also have a new project I’m working on – oh, I need a clone.
Hearing from a UK fan is very special to me. It is possible I will be in London this year. If so, I will let everyone know. Please put your reviews on those UK sites (Amazon UK, etc.).
Lissa, you deserve to be congratulated every day ’cause of your very good work. I loved Enders as much as I loved Starters. Too bad that here in Brazil it is sooo hard to find’em to buy. But I got lucky! Hahaha
Congrats for your allmighty writing, attractive plot and powerfull characters.
So I posted on twitter that a fan said they were hard to buy in Brazil and many, including my wonderful publisher, said they are in all the big book stores. Also online.
That’s one online link for other Brazilians – also Amazon Brazil and more. Thank you so much for the great praise. I hope you get online on the Brazilian book seller like the one above sites and leave a comment.
Hi Lissa, fan from the UK here. I just got hold of the book Enders and I loved it SO much. I really wish Starters and Enders was made into a movie so many more fans all over the world can experience this awesome book. Would you ever think about releasing a third, or maybe even a fourth book one day? Or a movie soon? Love your books so much, please come to the UK soon.
I love hearing from the UK, thank you for writing. I am definitely exploring the idea of a third but you will go on record as being the first to ask for a fourth! My agent is looking for the right partners for the film because we all know the quality of a film depends on the right people.
I would love to tour the UK. If enough fans let Random House UK know, that could happen.
Lissa i loved the book starters i thought it was amazing!!! i could not stop reading it really got me. Although i still cannot start reading the book enders because my library does not have it i hope to read it some time soon!!! This book was amazing so i am sure that anybody my age will sure enjoy it!!
Your an awesome writer!!!
-Ana- <3
Thanks for writing me! I love reviews from readers like you so please consider going to Amazon or Goodreads. Also, you can request ENDERS from your library. Most libraries have an easy form, just ask the librarian. Sometimes they will purchase another copy or sometimes they order it from a different library for you.
OH MY GOSH! That’s all I kept repeating when I read “Starters.” I will tell you a secret. When I read books, I mostly cheat (I read the final 2 pages of the book– I am too impatient), but when I was reading “Starters,” I didn’t want to spoil the end of it. My brother was the one that read it first. He kept saying “there’s a twist in every page.” As a reader, you can imagine my curiosity towards it. I want to thank you for writing this book. You took me on a journey that made me escape from reality. And from now on, I can assure you, I will read every single book you write. Thank you again.
Kind regards from Florida,
Laura A Parada
Thank you so much! Send me an email via my web form on this site and I will send you bookmarks!
I left an email a few days ago via web on the site… Just wanted to let you know I saw your message…. Thanks for the reply! I really appreciated!!!!
Kind regards from Florida,
Laura A Parada
Lissa, there are no more words that could be said on how GREAT Starters and Enders are. I finished both books within two days after I bought the books, and after finishing I just kept on babbling about the book and how fun it was. Every single scene in the book felt so real, and I love the twists so much. I really really hope there would be a third book real soon. I cant wait to hear more from Callie, Michael, & Hyden. And oh, I also hope there would be a movie release for this. -Josh, HUGE fan from the Philippines.
Hi Josh,
What a wonderful comment, thank you so much. I hope you’ve hopped over to Amazon and Goodreads to leave a review. A third book is very possible because I can’t get these characters out of my head. Thanks for writing.
Lissa, I really admire, I like Starters is just a good book! I recommended your book yo MY school friends, they also like it. I’m from Perú, Well, here not a lot of people read your book, but I think they should, is just a good book or more than that, it’s The best book about future. You’re a good author, so please don’t stop writing I think you won’t too.
Best wishes,
I didn’t know Starters made it to Peru. That’s great, I have a family friend whose family is Peruvian. Thank you!
Lissa i love the books both Starters and Enders. I really lived myself in the stories and couldn’t wait to read further. I have just finished reading Enders and I loved the whole story I am sad to know that it is the last book. I read the end of the book with my hand in front of my mouth. I am seriously a big fan now. I hope the story continues, because i don’t know about the other readers, but i seriously would not stop reading if the story continues. I really want to know what happens with Hyden and Callie. I loved every second reading it. I could not get my self to put the book down. Thank you Lissa for giving us the opportunity to read your amazing book. Strong fully hope the story continues.! I hope there will be a movie of this books, because it would seriously be the greatest movie.
Hola Lissa… Tu libro es excelente… es super… cuando estara disponible en español….
gracias por la atencion…. otra pregunta… ¿es una trilogia?
Hola y gracias por escribir. No sé cuando Enders serán en español. Los libros fueron siempre destinados a ser un duology, dos libros. Si otro libro que sale, es probable que sea un “spin-off”. Vea este sitio para annoucements o seguir mi página de FB – lissapriceauthor en FB.
Ahh me olvidaba,,,Saludos desde Ecuador
Hi, ms.price i was wondering who is the girl on the cover of enders? is it Calli?
Ps: your book is amazing and you are a very talented writer.
hello ms.price .. i just wanted to tell you that am a big fan of your book .. you are such a great author , i read your book “Starter” and it was amazing .. i had it as a gift from my friend , and it was probably the best gift ever .. i am so grateful to read your book . Actually , it’s just that the way how it made me feel like i don’t want to stop reading it and how i felt like am addicted to it was beautiful .. What i liked about this book , is that it has so many emotions , that it can make me sad and happy in the same time . Also it has so many unexpected plots and unexpected problems that Calli always face , which always made me wanna read more ..
i didn’t buy or read your book ” Enders ” .. but i hope i read it as soon as possible ..
i also hope to see you in person , but its hard because I live in Saudi arabia and it’s so far from your place .. but who knows , it may come true .
All wishes ,
– Marroojy
Thank you, Marroojy, for writing to tell me all this. I really enjoy hearing from readers in different countries. I’ve traveled a lot but never to Saudi Arabia. Maybe someday!
Dear Lissa, as everyone I loved your book. Your story is original and amazing. I’m form México and I’ve been very patient waiting for Enders, buy I’m getting desperate!!! Your book hasn’t been translated to spanish or shipped here. Do you know something about the status? I’m thinking on reading your book again to calm my anxious; I hope I ‘ll see your book in the mexican libraries soon.
Thanks so much. I don’t have new info but I would say if you can read English, you might want to read Enders in English because you can do that now.
I just finished reading Enders! Can you pretty please write a third one??? Please, please, please!!! I can’t get enough!! LOVE IT!!
Hi Lissa!!! Do you know something about the Spanish version of Enders??? I want you to know that I felt very connected to the story and I felt inside. I really want to know what will happen after that incredible finish! Hope Enders very emotion and Mexico may come soon! Thanks for answer to your followers on twitter, that’s fantastic. Greetings from Mexico. I Love you, Lissa <3
Thank you for your kind words. We have no info right now on a Spanish language translation of Enders. You might want to read it in English now rather than wait.
Hey Lissa:), So this series won’t have a third book? Well, even through there won’t, I’m happy to say this is one of the best books I’ve read. I was sleepless for literally 2 nights in a row just to finish Starters and I’m a little frightened that I will do the same thing when I read Enders. Your books are So fascinating; it’s amazing how you come up with these ideas.
Sorry for any grammer mistakes, I’m 12
Thanks for writing. You’re quite articulate for 12, no worries. So nothing is official, but it is very possible there will be a third book. Or a spin-off. So many readers have asked for one, and the characters will not get me go. We will see. Thank you for your kind words. Just plan out your Enders reading time so you don’t have to do anything important. At least you won’t be driving.
Hola, lo siento pero mi ingles no es muy bueno pero aun asi me gustaria decirte que AME starters, la manera tan fluida en que esta escrito me atrapo por completo, espero con ansias poder leer enders. Sabes cuando se publicara en latinoamerica?
Muchas gracias. Lo siento, no sé la respuesta. Si me entero de nada, voy a publicar aquà o en Twitter o Facebook.
What’s the name of the club that she is in when she first finds that the chip has a glitch? And if this isn’t too rude, where did you come up with these ideas or what inspired you to write this and how long did it take you to write this book(Enters)
Hi. I’m getting the feeling that some teacher made a quiz with this question as I’m getting it a lot. The answer is in the book. It’s also on this site somewhere. So is the idea (that’s in the menu).
I finished reading Enders 😌. Amazing! Thanks for making this wonderful duoligy and I hope to see a third book soon. I want to know how they end up,future wise. I’m sorry I’m posting a lot of comments 😂😂 but no, I was just curious about what the name of the club was; I forgot.
I don’t mind the comments at all. Thank you for telling me that you’d like a third book and also that you loved Enders – means a lot to me. Two people asked at the same time about the club name, that’s why I wondered.
Good old Club Rune.
Just finished Enders! Please tell me there will be a third book in the near future. Also, has Starters movie rights been sold? Or would this be too complicated to be translated to the big screen? Anyway, I hope to read any future books you plan on writing.
I have no official announcement, but the characters will not let me go. So it is very possible there will be a third book. The movie rights, at this moment, are available. We have had a lot of interest, but were looking for the right team. It’s not complicated and with so many fans worldwide, we all have confidence the right people will come at the right time with the right offer.
Thanks so much for asking.
I know this isn’t a common audition idea, but is there a possibility auditions would be open? I know a lot of people want them to be, but I also know it’s really just a waste of time if you don’t find anyone. Would they even consider the possibility of open auditions?
It’s hard to even think of auditions this early. Much, much too early. But open auditions do happen sometimes.
Thank you! I’ll make sure to keep up with the movie information.
These two books will not leave My mind!
Has Lionsgate made an offer to make the movie?
I did know how to pronounce the club name, I just didn’t know how it was spelled out. Thanks!:)
I’m so glad they won’t leave your mind.
That’s okay!
Hey Lissa! I’m from Brazil! I just finished Enders and the book is amazing!! You are an incredible writer, and I hope to see a third book soon. I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong, but I’m only 12.
Thank you so much! I love reviews on Amazon or Goodreads. Your English was perfect!
Hi,i’m a brazilian teenager and i’m sorry that i dont have the best english,but i have to ask you some questions,i hiper you answer them
1)”enders” is the last book of the colecion or you are going to write”middles”?I would love
2)Starters will became a movie ?
3)what really happend with Ernie?He died?
Thanks for the attention and i’m really sorry again because of my english
These characters will not let me go, so I am seriously considering a third book. It is not official, so watch this site for news (or Twitter or Tumblr).
At this time, we do not have a movie deal in place. We are confident it will happen though and with the right people.
I did not wrap up Ernie, as you noticed. There wasn’t time to return to him and keep a thriller’s pacing. Maybe he’ll show up again…
No worries, I understood you!
So I ordered Enders a few days ago, (the UK version so it would match my copy of Starters) and received it in the mail this morning. I was too excited, so I started reading it immediately. I just could not put it away, so it didn’t take long for me to reach the end. So now I’ve finished the book within a day, and gotten myself a book hangover again… (; I have really enjoyed Enders, just as much as I enjoyed Starters, and I’m really thankful for my friend who recommended this book to me! And if there will ever be another sequel, I will read it as soon as possible!
love from the Netherlands,
Hi Floor,
I’m so happy you enjoyed Enders! I always appreciate reviews wherever you ordered the book from, so if you’re inclined, please do. You’ll be happy to know that these characters will not let me go and so it is very possible there will be a third book in the series. I love hearing from my Dutch fans, I cheer for you guys in the world cup games.
Hi, I’m Brazilian. I read STARTERS and ENDERS in 4 days because I really loved the books when I finished the first I go out and bought the second, but do not think the end is the best, sorry but in my opinion was a bit “incomplete.”
Do you intend to write a third book? for Starters Callie had a certain romance with Blake, who remained until the beginning of the second book, but what happens after it gets with Hyden, Michael or Blake? what happened to Ernie? what Dawson said to Reece before it die? Kevin returned to live with Laura? With whom will the share of property that Helen had left Emma? What will happen to the children of the Institution 37? Have you thought about a movie? I look forward to your answers .
Thank you Camila!!
(sorry if I wrote something wrong)
Hi Camila and thank you for caring about these answers. I do have a third book in mind, but let me say that as an author who writes in the thriller genre, the importance of pacing cannot be stressed enough. This is what keeps readers like you turning the pages. And of course it is balanced with characterization. The fact that you want to know these answers is wonderful. Some details, like Ernie, would be hard to bring back into the story when so much more is at stake. It is assumed that Callie now inherits the entire house. The Institutions are becoming schools and of course, without the horrible Beatty, the children of Institution 37 are immediately better off. The big question of course is who does Callie end up with and for that I am considering a third book.
We have many big fans with track records in Hollywood, producers, who also see Starters as a film. I’ll make any announcements here when we found the right partners.
By the way, I love my Brazilian fans, you guys are amazing.
Hi Lissa Price, I am OBSESSED with the Starters series and I fell in love with Enders (Hyden is my favorite character). I am literally praying it becomes a movie-haha! But I’d love it even more if I could audition for it. I love Callie’s personality and I feel like if people like the hunger games they’ll love this. I told my friend about it and now she loves it too! It’s fantastic and you’re an incredible writer. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE MORE! I write this with Enders closed right next to me! I finished it less that 30 seconds ago and I wish you would at least make this a trilogy! I love this book so much, and I thought NOTHING could be better than Starters! Enders is now my absolute favorite book with the biggest plot twists I’ve ever read in my whole life! If you’ve read the Fault In Our Stars, I feel like Hazel writing to her favorite author because I’d be shocked if you’re even reading this! I just wanted to personally thank you for writing this and changing my life because now I’ll be thinking of these book every night before I fall asleep! Please write another-maybe even from Hyden’s perspective! I don’t care though, I just want more books from you. Thank you
What a great letter. Yes, I’ve read and loved FiOS and am flattered to be getting a letter like Hazel sent. It means a lot to me that both books touched you. I am working on a proposal for a third book, so your wishes may well come true.
Dear Lissa,
I have fallen in love with your books, starters was the first book I ever picked up and actually managed to finish (the same with enders) normally I finish books before I even get to the third chapter, I was failing English big time due to the fact that I never really read the books assigned by my teacher before my exam but you changed that, have you ever read of mice and men? it’s definitely a good read.
I have to say that hyden and and callie are adorable not just because he really likes her (in a discreet way) but because he is more of a sane person because of her, does that make sense? You probably get annoyed by this question but any updates on a 3rd book or even a movie???? I am waiting eagerly for your response.
Whenever I hear this, that Starters and Enders were the first books that someone finished, I’m very touched. And that now you’re going on to read other books, like Mice and Men, is wonderful. Thank you for telling me.
You get the attraction of Hyden and Callie. It absolutely makes sense.
I never mind hearing that readers want a third book. Because of this I am seriously considering it. Yes, the movie, am talking to people because the rights are available. Take care.
Hola lissa, como es de suponer , no soy muy buena con el idioma ingles y espero que o traduzcas para entenderme eres una grandiosa escritora te admiro, amo el mundo de starters . Sabes a mi me encanto el libro Starters mas bien lo ame, ame su trama , ame a todos los personajes y esta entre mis libros favoritos, también me siento identificada con Callie, estoy ansiosa por leer Enders ya que tengo varias dudas y preguntas a lo que corresponde a la historia, sinceramente me obsesione con el libro o releo tantas veces y no me aburro, ahora tendré que esperar su traducción para aquà en mi paÃs, aah y soy y vivo en Nicaragua (centroamericana). Ansió tanto que esta historia llegue a ilustrarse en pelÃcula. Llegara a suceder?, bueno te escribà porque soy fan de este libro y ansió tanto que salga en español (Enders) y si sabes si lo van a traducir al español y para cuando, estoy ansiosa que salga en español por lo menos me aliviarÃa saber cuando lo sacaran claro en español y seguir disfrutando de tu maravillosa escritura y Gracias por su atención al leer este correo y espero que lo puedas leer
besos y abrazos
Att. Adaly Arcia
Hi lissa, as is expected, I am not very good with the English language and I hope to understand or translate’re a great writer I admire, love the world of starters. You know my charm me the book Starters rather love him, love the plot, love all the characters and is among my favorite books, I also feel identified with Callie, I’m anxious to read Enders since I have several doubts and questions to corresponding to the story, I sincerely obsessed with the book and reread many times and not get bored, now I have to wait for your translation here in my country, and I am aah and live in Nicaragua (Central America). He longed so much to this story reaches illustrated on film. Were to happen?, Well I wrote you because I am a fan of this book and longed so much to come out in Spanish (Enders) and if you know if it will translate into Spanish and when I’m anxious to come out in Spanish at least I ease knowing when clear him out in Spanish and still enjoy your wonderful writing and Thank you for your attention to read this email and I hope you can read.
hugs and kisses
Att. Adaly Arcia
Lissa mi ingles no es muy bueno espero que puedas traducir esto:
Adore tu libro el final me dejo impactado la verdad le doy mas de 5 estrellas a tu libro lo descubri gracias a una booktouber que se llama raizarevelles99 ella hace videos en youtube recomendando libros y dijo que como pudo vivir sin aver conocido starters
entonces lo busque y dije como no pude estar en las librerias entonces lo ordene a la editorial destino que publico starters entonces me llego y la portada esta increble y ya acabe el libro pense que starters nadamas era un libro y si sabia que habia otro que se llamaba enders pero pense que era una precuela entonces me di cuenta que no enders es la continuacion y ya quiero que salga enders saldra este año enders en mexico
Y por ultimo starters sera una trilogia y crees que podrian sacar la pelicula vi a callie en el booktrailer y a tyler espero que ellos sean los actores a blake no me lo imagino bien pero primero vi el booktrailer y luego lei el libro y ya me imagina a callie y a tyler
Bueno espero que respondas y espero que saquen la pelicula y enders ya salga en mi pais
Te deseo mucha suerte
Submitted on 2014/08/03 at 5:03 pm
Lissa my English is not very good I hope you can translate this:
Adore your book hit the end I let the truth I give more than 5 stars to a book I discovered through a booktouber called raizarevelles99 she makes videos on youtube recommending books and said that as he did without aver known starters
and then I look like I could not be in the libraries then you order the publishing destination public starters and then I came home and finished this incredible book and thought it was a book Nadamas starters and if you knew there was another who called enders but thought it was a prequel then I realized that there is a continuation enders and already want to come out this year enders Ships enders in mexico
And finally starters will be a trilogy and think the movie could pull saw callie in booktrailer tyler and hope they are the actors blake not imagine him well but I first saw the booktrailer and then read the book and I already imagine callie and tyler
Well I hope you answer and I hope that they get the movie and enders and out in my country
I wish you luck
Hi Lissa!
Soy de la ciudad de México y estoy sumamente entusiasmado por leer Enders, tú primer libro me ha dejado impactado, sobre todo el final; no te pediré que me digas cómo va a terminar, ni mucho menos te pediré una explicación del por qué de los eventos. Lo que pido es que ya no compares a tú libro con otros (no sé si sea una estrategia del mercado para promocionarlo); tú libro tiene una esencia única e inigualable y eso es lo único que importa.
Yo compré tú libro basándome únicamente en la breves preguntas que se encuentran en la parte trasera del libro y me pareció inquietante, no tuve la necesidad de compararlo con otros libros.
Quizá no te importe, quizá nada importe.
Muchas gracias por tus pensamientos. Realmente les agradezco. SÃ, el marketing no es decisión del autor, sólo los editores. Acepto el elogio amablemente. Mis disculpas por la falta de una versión española de Enders. Este es el mismo problema con mis amigos Kami Garcia y Margaret Stohl. Tal vez en el futuro.
Hi lissa!
I’ve already read startes and I fell in love with it. I was wondering if there is any possibility of a Spanish version of enders , because my English is not very good. Anyway, congratulations for the book, It is one of the best books that I’ve read this year.
Thank you so much, love hearing that. At this time there are no plans for a Spanish version of Enders. I will announce on this site when that happens.
Hi Lissa! OMG. I am not very good with the English, so I´m going to write in Spanish.
Estoy taaaannn emocionada, no puedo creer que este libro me obsesionara tanto. Es el mejor que he leÃdo, y debo decir que vivà engañada mucho tiempo, creà que solo era un libro y estaba intrigada por ese final. Tengo muchÃsimas dudas. Ahora sé que existe enders, pero solo en inglés y eso es muy triste. ¿Fecha para publicarlo en español? PLEASE. I need to continue. What happened with Callie, Michael, Tyler, Blake and her dad??!!! ENDERS come to Mexico
Thanks for writing. I wish Enders would come to Mexico, too.
Hi Lisa! You are a miracle to all readers of SF. Your books are fabulous and it is obvious evolution of Starters for Enders. I would like very much to author took a continuation. I hope one day to meet you and I’m sorry for some of those mistakes of expression. Living in Romania away from you yet, I hope that one day we will meet.
Thank you so much – note my name is Lissa!
Romanian teens have been wonderful fans of Starters – I am grateful.
Hola Lissa espero que esto se pueda traducir mi ingles no es muy bueno
Adoro starters siempre que invitan a un cumpleaños si el cumplañero es lector le regalo un libro y a la mayoria le he regalado starters
Este libro deberia tener una pelicula y aparte merecer un New York Times Best Selling Autor la historia se entiende muy bien la trama te tiene atrapado yo lo lei en tan solo 3 dias tiene tantas sorpresas he visto mensajes de mexicanos que quieren enders en español yo soy tambien de Mexico y lo espero vi que tenias un problema con las autoras de hermosas criaturas pero espero que se resuelva y espero que te puedas contactar con la editorial destino para sacar enders en español y que hagan una pelicula de hecho ya me imagino a la actriz para callie y al actor para Tyler
Callie: Ellen Page
Tyler Emjay Anthony
Te deseo suerte eres mi escritora favorita del genero de distopias
Hola Emjay,
Gracias por escribirnos. Para que quede claro, nunca he tenido un problema con los escritores de Beautiful Creatures – ellos son mis amigos! Aprendà de ellos que sus más recientes secuelas (de sus libros escritos solo) tampoco fueron publicadas en España. El problema es con la economÃa y la editorial en España. Es una pena que está afectando a todos mis lectores que leen en español. Pero es de esperar que se resolverán más tarde ya que me encantarÃa para que usted lea Enders en español.
Mientras tanto, yo digo a la gente si pueden leer en Inglés disponiéndolo de Book Depository, ya que brindan a varios paÃses sin cuotas de entrega.
Los mejores deseos!He utilizado un traductor – Espero que sea claro.
Vaya aquà para votar que desea Entrantes para ser una pelÃcula – haga clic en el botón situado a la derecha.
Y también aquÃ:
Hola lissa, disculpa por escribir en español pero no se me da demasiado bien el ingles. QuerÃa decirte que bueno, uno de mis sueños es llegar a ser escritora lo veo complicado pero ahà esta mi sueño. Starters a sido un libro que me a ayudado mucho en mi vida personal.He aprendido en cierto modo y en medida de lo posible ser tan o igual de fuerte que mi amada protagonista de esta historia. Aveces no lo he conseguido,pero siempre lucho por lo que quiero y por sacar mis sueños a adelante.
Me encantarÃa poder leer enders. No lo encuentro en español y me reconcome por dentro la curiosidad sobre la historia de callie tyler y los demás. Espero que contestes a mi comentario, seria muy importante para mi.
Te admira muchÃsimo, una simple lectora.
Para mis lectores de habla española, en este momento no tengo ninguna información sobre Enders en español. Tan pronto como yo lo hago, voy a publicar aquà y en twitter y fb, asà que me siga allà a través de los enlaces en este sitio. Gracias por su paciencia y apoyo. Si usted es capaz de leer en Inglés, las naves de depósito de libros internacionalmente sin cargos.
It was an awesome book
Hi Lissa,
I’ve just read enders and I loved it! It was amazing hyden and callie are adorable and the whole book in general was amazing and well thought out! so I was wondering is there any update on a movie or even a 3rd book, i’m eager to read a new chapter for callie (hopefully!) lots of love from the U.K
No movie update but you can vote for one or a tv show here – it’s easy:
I am very excited about my new project, but I do plan to write a third book in the Starters series. So many fans have asked for it. Since you are U.K., love short reviews or just stars on and the British bookstore sites. Thank you!
Hi Lissa! I absolutely LOVE this series!!! I was hooked the moment I started reading the first pages of Starters. And Enders was the same way! I couldn’t put the book down. I do have one question though … it may be a silly one but … how do you pronounce Hyden’s name? Is it Hay-den or Hi-den? I want to make sure I’m saying it right in my head.
Once again, thanks for being such an amazing author and for writing such an incredible series. I hope to see these books on the big screen soon!
Hi Kim,
Thanks so much for writing! So Hyden is pronounced HI-den, like the composer Haydn. If you think about the character, his name makes sense.
Did you vote on the Iflist site?
Hola lissa. He leido Starters y es un libro unico y fantastico, lo ame totalmente. Realmente me gustaria que hubiera posibilidad de pelicula o algo asi, seria increible.
Pero Lissa, cuando llegara Enders a Mexico? u.u
Espero tanto por poder continuar con la historia de Callie..
Finalmente quiero agradecerte por tan grande historia, sigue escribiendo fantastico. Exito y besos.
Saludos desde MEXICO
Submitted on 2015/07/16 at 24:02
Hello Lissa. I have read Starters and is a unique and fantastic book, love him totally. I really wish there was possibility of movie or something, it would be incredible.
But Lissa, when he came to Mexico Enders? uu
I hope to be able to continue the story of Callie both ..
Finally I want to thank you for such a great story, keep writing fantastic. Success and kisses.
Greetings from MEXICO
Thank you so much! I have no date on Enders in Spanish. So I tell readers if they can read Portuguese get it from Book Depository. Sorry, I have nothing to do with that.
The movie – or tv show – please see this post You can help make it happen just by your words.
Muchas gracias! No tengo ninguna fecha en Enders en español. Asà que le digo a los lectores si pueden leer portugués obtienen de Book Depository. Lo sentimos, no tengo nada que ver con eso.
La pelÃcula – show o tv – por favor vea este post Usted puede ayudar a hacer que suceda con sólo sus palabras.
Hello Lissa, I was wondering if you know if Enders is going to be translated to Spanish, I’m from Mexico and I’m waiting for that book! Haha
Thanks for writing
Hi! Or ola! So, sorry, I don’t know when or if it will be translated. I tell readers if they good in English or another language like Portuguese, that will be the quickest way.
Hi, I’m from Mexico. I’d like to know when ender’s is going to pub in my country. I really love the first one Starter and I can’t wait for the nex one. I have already checked in most the bookstore here but I couldn’t find it. Let me know please, it doesn’t matter if the book is in English I just wanna read it.
Hi and thanks for asking. I don’t know when there will be a Spanish version of Enders but you can get it in English by either 1) asking your favorite bookstore to order it for you or 2) finding an English-language bookstore in your area and finding it there or asking them or 3) going to – they ship free internationally.
Vote here for a bookmark:
hello! I am gonzalo. I read starter and i love it. Starters have a lot of emotions. Thanks for write this book. it is a very good book. I hope the next book enders because i must to buy it. i love you , thanks for everything.
Hi Gonzalo.Your post was edited because of the spoiler, but thanks so much for the kind words. Be sure to check this out:
Hi Lissa,
I am a huge fan of the starters and enders series! Is there any updates on a third book? Also i love the character of Hyden, he’s so complex yet simplistic at the same time. I love him and Callie together even more!! Please write a third book i want to be the first person in line to buy it!:)
Thank you so much. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to hear of any news regarding a third book. I am working on a new secret book right now. I’m glad you love Hyden. Check out the iflist blogpost here on this site (bookmarks).
Hi Lissa, big fan from England here. I absolutely, positively loved this book is there any way a follow up book will be released any time soon? I personally loved the Hyden x Callie relationship and I hope that’s who she ends up with. Now that I have a sudden interest in books I was hoping to read more of your literary genius and will be following your work from now on! Can’t wait for your future releases and maybe one day I hope you do release a 3rd book following on from Enders?
Hi and thanks for writing. I love England so much. Yes, it is possible there will be a third book, but probably not soon. Am working on two other secret projects right now. However many fans have asked for the third book. Sign up for my email/newsletter list here on this site. That’s the best way to get news of my new books!
Honestly these books are one of the BEST books I’ve ever read. They really caught my eye and I finished both in less than 2 weeks. Thank you for such amazing books.
Hi Lissa Price! I don’t know if you still respond but I want to let you know that you are a very talented author! Is there a new book coming out? Also is their a movie or show based on starters/Enders? I hope yes is the answer to both these questions I loved starters SO MUCH! I told myself that I would read starters for 10 minutes but it turned to 1 hour and a half! After I finished Starters I quickly bought Enders and read it in three days! So many twists and turns! Have a great day! God bless youâ¤ï¸
Alli, thank you so much for your wonderful note. Love hearing about your reading speed! The pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench into the tv series, so we’ll see. I am always writing. The first people to hear about my new book will be the newsletter subscribers, so please sign up (the link is on several pages at the top right). Be well!
I just finished Enders and I really enjoyed it. I wanted to start reading anything else you had written but I realized that you haven’t released any full-length novels since Enders. Was writing just a small phase or are you planning to release more?
Nathaniel, thank you so much for writing and I’m sorry for the delay. My site has taken a backseat to life during the pandemic, but I’ve just recently returned to it. I am always writing various projects at different stages and will make an announcement shortly.