Christina2227 wins the STARTERS package. Alexis (the Literature Lion) wins a second-place prize of bookmarks and a light-up necklace. CONGRATULATIONS!  You all wrote such nice comments, I wish I could send out books to all of you. Keep posted here and on twitter and my Facebook page because other contestsRead More →


The SCBWI conference is now officially over, ending with the faculty party. It was an incredible experience. Out of an exciting year, I really looked forward to this conference because of the history of it and my history with it. I sat in the seats, listening to speakers who inspiredRead More →


Next weekend I will be on the faculty of SCBWI at their epic yearly conference in Century City. I believe it is the biggest and longest-running conference for writers of children’s books (of course including YA) in the world, all started and headed by Lin Oliver and Stephen Mooser. I’mRead More →


Amy Tan (in wig) and Stephen King In the hopes of crossing off a dream goal from my bucket list, I went to a special ‘meet and greet’ of the authors that make up The Rock Bottom Remainders band. This was to be an hour-long reception preceding the concert atRead More →


I am really looking forward to this – what an amazing lineup. I’m going to be all fangirl – in a nice way. ●  Thursday, July 12, 2012  Comic-Con– San Diego, CA -3:00-4:00 Hungry for Dystopia’” With the skyrocketing popularity of The Hunger Games, dystopian literature has been creating majorRead More →


If you know anyone who lives in the West Valley area, tell them about my Costco Westlake Village signing of STARTERS. This will be the last one, and if it goes well, Costco will carry the book in all their stores. Pressure! Last one was so much fun, I gaveRead More →
