For a while I thought my writing career was magically linked to the Lakers’ basketball trajectory. If they were winning, then I was winning.  The night after the Easter/Passover weekend, I got the call that STARTERS had sold to a pre-emptive bidder.  The Lakers were on the TV in theRead More →


At the Publishers Weekly website, 5/9/2011: Brief In a sizable two-book pre-empt, Wendy Loggia at Delacorte bought a futuristic YA thriller series by newcomer Lissa Price called Starters. Barbara Poelle at Irene Goodman brokered the North American rights deal and said the series is set in a dangerously youth-obsessed societyRead More →


I’m happy to see you here at my new website.  I’m a debut author drawn to fantasy and science fiction. My first books, a YA futuristic thriller series, STARTERS, will be announced by the publisher any day now. Besides writing YA, I’m mad about kayaking and snorkeling, and any travelRead More →
