Thrillerfest started out with an epic six hour agent party at the rooftop of the Library Hotel. CJ Lyons, Barbara Poelle, Sophie Littlefield, Jamie Freveletti and me. Our YA panel moderated by the very funny R.L. Stine who kept the audience and the panelists laughing. R.L. Stine all to myself.Read More →


GET READY FOR   The 2nd Annual SUPER SWAG SUNDAY!!! When:  June 24th thru June 30th Where: Why:  For a chance to win lots of cool promotional items signed by 50+ of today’s best middle grade and young adult authors! Every day for seven days, Laurisa’s blog will spotlightRead More →


THE INTERNATIONAL READERS ASSOCIATION Starters is on the 2012 IRA list of YA Choices. This is a great list of wonderful YA books chosen by teens and list is distributed to schools and libraries.  Starters was one of only three books by my publisher, Random House. See the list here.Read More →


  Thank you, Vegas B&N, for a wonderful event last Friday night. I was impressed with the turnout on a night when there is so much to do in your city. Loved meeting everyone.  There’s one thing you guys may not realize. As excited as you are to meet meRead More →


I will be at the Rainbow Promenade B&N Friday at 7 to meet you, talk and sign Starters. If you’re in the area, come and see me because this will be my only Vegas appearance. I’ll bring swag and you can get answers to your questions about Starters or aboutRead More →
