Air, is there air up there?

I’m 45 days out from the launch of my debut, STARTERS and the heat is on. I’ve been deep into writing book two and every minute I spend not doing that seems so wrong.  But I have several book-related commitments. Several friends have book launches in February. My blog at League of Extraordinary Writers, three Thursdays of the month must get written. I also must tweet for my friends and fellow Apocalypsies (and for STARTERS). And then there are the interview requests.

I would love to do all of those, but I wouldn’t finish ENDERS, my final book in this two-book series. So I have to be very selective about which interviews will best reach a lot of readers. If you have emailed me and I agreed to an interview, please remind me as my email is very full.  To everyone else, please know that I am grateful, just very busy writing.

A shout-out to the bloggers and reviewers who read STARTERS via netgalley and loved it and told me they were up all night reading, or reading through lunch hours they didn’t want to end  — thank you so much for your kind words. They help propel me to make ENDERS worthy of you.

Please spread word about the trailer on youtube!



  1. So excited to watch your success, and read your book, Lissa! The writing comes first–and I know how hard it must be to juggle everything. I bet you’ll do an amazing job.

  2. Thanks, Elodie and Jenny for stopping by. I really appreciate your support!

  3. I just bought Starters last night and haven’t been able to put it down!!! Can’t wait for Enders!!!

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