I went to a signing at Once Upon A Time Bookstore of three terrific friends who are all Middle Grade authors: Anne Nesbet (THE CABINET OF EARTHS), Laurisa White Reyes (THE ROCK OF IVANORE) and Jenn Reese (ABOVEWORLD). I won the basket and got their permission to give it away to a lucky follower. This includes a new, hardback copy of REMARKABLE by Lizzie K. Foley (Dial for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin), a large t-shirt with THE ROCK OF IVANORE on it, and four stickers with beautiful illustrations from THE CABINET OF EARTHS.
All you have to is put in the comment below that you do follow me on Twitter (see the little blue “t” link to the right) and include your Twitter name. This is US only and only for readers who haven’t won a book from me before. I’ll pick a winner sometime later so check back. If you’re comfortable putting your email in the comment, that will make it easier, but it is not required.
Good luck!
I follow via twitter – @H2OKIKI
i follow twitter @bamayankee
Hi Lissa!!!
I follow you on Twitter @L7rules
oh and I would just like to say
Sarah Lives!!!
I follow you on twitter as @idreaminWDW. P.S. loved starters and the Facebook game, can’t wait for Enders 🙂
Follow you via @fallen_MGRL
I appreciate the chance to win 🙂
Random generator picked Monica G Lopez, @fallen_MGRL! Email (on about me) with your mailing address and the prize package is yours. Congrats!