For organizers of appearances and moderators of panels:
If you did not receive an intro sheet, please use this for introductions at panels and appearances:
Lissa Price is the internationally bestselling author of the STARTERS series published by Penguin Random House. The duology was published in twenty-nine countries and praised by Harlan Ellison and the LA Times. Set in a future Los Angeles, this YA futuristic thriller series poses the question: Would you rent out your body to the elderly so they could be young again temporarily? Dean Koontz called STARTERS “a smart, swift, inventive, altogether gripping story.” Kirkus said the sequel, ENDERS, also a bestseller, was “delightfully disturbing.” You can visit her at LissaPrice.com
Only for printed publications, digital magazines and other online resources, please add this paragraph:
Being Asian American, Lissa supports diversity in publishing. She lives in LA and London. Contact her at LissaPrice.com
Her name is pronounced LIH-suh. You can hear her pronounce her name at this site here.
Additional bio info: (only to be used with the primary bio at the top)
STARTERS has taken Lissa all over the world on book tours to North America, Europe and the East. She has taught workshops at SCBWI and the La Jolla Writer’s Conference, and spoken on panels at ComicCon, WonderCon, WorldCon, Wordstock, The LA Times Festival of Books, the Boston Book Festival, RT, Thrillerfest, Bindercon and more. She has given several keynote addresses including one at a high school in Canada where Starters was chosen as the Book of the Year and over a thousand students and teachers read it at the same time. She has lived in India, Japan, and Britain and once traveled completely around the globe over a period of two years.
All professional enquiries, please contact Lissa directly via the contact page.
For appearance requests from schools, libraries, clubs, etc. please see this page.